As promised here is my Quad dominant day routine!
• Warm up either with resistance band or cardio machine
• Squats 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8
• Deadlifts 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8
• Legpress feet close together, 45° angle 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8
• Lunges either walking, on smith machine or with cables 4 x 15 each leg
• Single leg extension drop weight 3 x 12, 10, 8 each leg. Start with the heaviest then drop the weight down. You’re doing each set 3 times so 9 in total for each leg and dropping the weight down every time with little or no pause in between.
• Calve raises, toes forward, facing out & facing in. 3 x 10 for 30 reps total per set.
• Stretching. I can’t stress enough the importance of stretching so spend at least 10 mins at the end of your workout doing this! You’ll thank me later.
I do my compound exercises first and go as heavy as I can so that by the end of each one I can barely push past 8 reps. Honestly, I can barely walk out of the gym after this routine. The key to remember is slow & controlled. It’s not a rush, really feel your muscles working with every set you’re doing. The best results come from neuromuscular connections!
It’s hard filming when you train solo but if you have any questions let me know in the comments below! 💙
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